John Lewis at Home - Tunbridge Wells

John Lewis acquired an existing retail unit and converted it into a John Lewis at Home Store, the third in their new style of smaller store.
Hurst Peirce + Malcolm LLP provided structural engineering advice throughout the project.
The existing building is comprised of a double span portal framed construction with hipped roofs at the ends. The walls and roofing are clad with profiled metal sheeting with dwarf brick walls externally and 2m high block walls internally.
Due to the location on a steeply sloping site with deep fill the original building was constructed on piles with ground beams and a suspended ground floor making the structural alterations more complex.
The main structural alterations that were carried out were as follows:
- New openings to external elevations
- New entrance canopy
- New lift shaft with associated lift pits on new piles
- New scissor lift pit
- New mezzanine floor
- Car park ramp structures
- Plant support structures
- Retaining walls
- Pumped drainage system